If you get an iPhone or HTC Hero on contract it will cost you £35+ a month for free Internet usage plus texts and inclusive minutes. However it is possibly to get all this for less far less. All you have to do is by a sim free HTC Hero or iPhone 3Gs and get you hands on the following pay as you go sims from T-Mobile or O2.
T-Mobile £10 monthly
unlimited Internet usage
plus unlimited texts
For £10 a month T-Mobile give you unlimited text and internet on pay as you go. Internet and text usage does not eat in to your credit, so you'll have credit left over for voice minutes, also any left over credit rolls over to the following month. And did I mention that they give you the sim for free, just visit T-Mobile's website enter your address and they send you the sim(s) in the post.
O2 £15 monthly
unlimited Internet usage
plus 500 texts
Visit O2's website to get hold of your free sim.
Final Thought
There's no need to be tied down with expensive 18 to 24 contracts if you want an iPhone or HTC Hero with intentions of unlimited Internet and text usage. But of course you will have to get hold of a handset which is a one off payment and you do get total freedom that comes with pay as you go.